Advanced Alien Species May Visit Us

by Curt Remington

Imagine aliens, with technology far more advanced than ours, coming to earth and introducing themselves. In the movies, this doesn’t seem to work out well. In “V,” “Independence Day,” “Battle: Los Angeles,” and countless others, they seem pretty intent on destroying us. Isn’t it possible that some of these aliens may be more spiritually advanced than us, along with being more technologically advanced, and have only good intentions. I guess that doesn’t make for as exciting a movie.

Unusual Sky Over Italy

Unusual Sky Over Italy

If these advanced beings were to share their technology and help us reshape our civilization, our lives would never be the same. There are a number of websites that say this is just what’s going to happen. The Golden Age of Gaia has links to many of them.

The History channel’s series, Ancient Aliens, consists of 42 episodes, full of evidence that aliens have helped many of earth’s prior civilizations. There are stories and writings of people from the stars. There is artwork that appears to be planes, spaceships, and space suits. There is also evidence of advanced ancient technology, an amazing understanding of astronomy, advanced mathematics, and there are ancient structures like the pyramids, that would be hard to replicate even with our current technology.

More recently, we have countless UFO sightings around the globe, crop circles, and a variety of people that claim they’ve been in communication with aliens. According to, there are many races of aliens that visit earth, some with better intentions than others.

Even if the information on the websites I’ve mentioned isn’t all accurate, a 2010 study by astronomers estimated that there are 300 sextillion stars out there (sextillion is a thousand trillion), with an awful lot of planets orbiting around them. It would be very self-centered to think that we’re the only intelligent life in the Universe. Instead of asking “are aliens coming?” I  think a better question is “when are aliens coming?”


4 thoughts on “Are Aliens Coming?

  1. John

    Hey Curt, very interesting reading. I think there is a lot going on around us that we are not aware of. We are but one dimension!

  2. Elizabeth Hobbs

    I have watched that program on the History channel Ancient Aliens and I was blown away by some of the information they came up with. One thing that struck me was their theory that the aliens have been here long before the present civilzation. They imply they were here to help build the pyramids, etc.

  3. Riccardo

    Hello Curt,

    thank for the article, for me one of the most electrifying subjects! I would like myself one day to be hired by the SETI project!!!


  4. Amy

    How comforting — to think that wise and capable types are out there making plans to help us and to guide us away from further messing up our planet and each other. We mean well, but as a whole we sure seem to make some dumb choices. Thanks for another great article, Curt!

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