
We may have moments when we are really in the now, when we sense our connection to everyone and everything. At these times, our ego gets out of the way and we experience our inner spiritual self. That spiritual part of us already knows and understands that we are connected. We may experience these moments through our religion or spirituality, or maybe through the love of family, friends. It might even be while immersed in a hobby or a sport. I often felt that connection in nature, tuned into the energy and beauty of God’s glorious creations.

In my blog, you’ll find meditations, articles and nature photography that tend to emphasize our connection with this beautiful planet, with each other and with the spiritual realm that surrounds us. Along with promoting meditation, I started Shuksan Web, a web design and internet marketing business, to help other promote whatever they’re doing. If you like what you find here, I think you’ll also enjoy Meditation Resources, where you’ll find more meditations, a directory of spiritual and healing businesses, and articles on healing, connecting with nature and a variety of spiritual subjects. Thank you for visiting.

Bagley Lakes Trail, Heather Meadows, Washington

Bagley Lakes Trail, Heather Meadows, Washington

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Kian Gray

    somehow i believe in psychic ability, i know a few person who may demonstrate such ability””`

  2. Electric Cement Mixer :

    i can only wish that i were a psychic too which can tell the future and have the power of remote viewing~..

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