Meditation and Connecting with Nature
Meditation can do much more than just reduce stress, it can activate that inner spiritual part of you that is already calm, content and wise. In order to share the benefits of some powerful meditations, along with the benefits of connecting with nature, I’ve created this website, became an avid public speaker, and written a book, Simple Meditation: A Spiritual Connection for Transforming Your Life..
Meditations, Spiritual Articles, and Trip Reports
The Meditations link above will take you to articles and exercises on meditation and healing, including exercises for tuning into the details of nature and for working with quantum energy, releasing blocks to your health and happiness. This section includes a growing list of meditations and visualizations for a variety of purposes, like improving the relationships in your life. For more information on meditation, you might also visit Meditation Resources- Articles, with articles on meditation, nature and accessing your inner wisdom or psychic abilities. You can also find reviews on a variety of spiritual books.
The Psychic/Spiritual link will bring you to articles on heaven (spiritual world), reincarnation, angels and guides and my early psychic experiences. Understanding our spiritual path, and the nature of what’s out there, can make our lives here more fulfilling.
The Trip Report link covers my travel stories as I visit some of the scenic places on this beautiful planet. The reports include scenic nature photography.
Transform Your Life Report
If you sign up for my newsletter, an autoresponder will send you a link to a special report that can help you get started meditating, along with providing a sample of the information covered in my book. There’s a Contact link at the top of this page, if you have any questions or comments. I always welcome feedback. Thank you for visiting.
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