Simple Meditation: A Spiritual Connection for Transforming Your Life
by Curt Remington

- Simple Meditation- front cover
Have you ever felt as if there should be more to life? A deeper meaning or greater purpose? Less stress? More happiness? Maybe more of a spiritual connection?
I’ll bet you’ve even had moments when you experienced this spiritual connection, times when you were fully involved in what you were doing, blissfully happy and thinking of nothing else. Maybe you were sitting on a beach listening to waves roll into shore. Or you may have been in the mountains, gazing in awe at a spectacular view. Maybe you were looking into a crib, watching your baby sleep.
Wherever you were, it was a moment when your thoughts got out of the way, so you could experience that deeper, inner part of you, the spiritual part that is naturally calmer, wiser, and happier, the part that understands all things are connected.
In the pages of this book, you’ll find the information and tools you need to experience more of that spiritual part of you, the part that can let thoughts go and be fully in the present.
Tuning into the details of nature is a wonderful way to let go of other thoughts and to start meditating. You could sit calmly in the woods, listening to the birds sing or the wind blow through the trees. Spending this time in nature puts you in a healthy environment, connected to the energy of a beautiful place.
Such escapes to nature kept me sane during the 1990s, while I worked seventy-hour weeks running a real estate appraisal business. Eventually, I started to learn and develop meditation techniques that went even further than connecting with nature, and I could do them without leaving the comfort of home.
Although we spend our days rooted in the physical world that we can see, we are part of a vast field of quantum energy that we can’t see. The chapter on spiritual connections provides insight into those unseen, heavenly aspects of our universe that affect our lives every day. By understanding and working with the spiritual realm, we can improve the quality of our lives on earth.
Many of the exercises in the following chapters use the power of visualization to tap into this unseen energy, using it to access information or to release blocks to your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. One of the easiest ways to release these blocks is through an exercise that runs more energy through your system, keeping it clean like a mountain stream.Relationships are a key factor in the quality of our lives. Meditation can help you let go of anger, resentment, and fear, blocks to great relationships. Not only will this improve your relationships, but improving those relationships will make it much easier to meditate.
Chapter 9, on walkabouts and vision quests, suggests a trip into nature to tie this all together. Your trip doesn’t have to be a rugged wilderness outing. It could simply be a weekend dedicated to following some simple steps to connect with nature, meditate, review your life, and use the tools you’ll learn in this book to examine your life’s purpose. It can be a powerful and life-changing experience.
Throughout this book, I will also share some of my own experiences in my quest to find my purpose in life. I have not always been an avid meditator, at least not officially. Much of what held me back was a set of preconceived notions about meditation―what it is and what it isn’t. If I’d understood the vast variety of techniques, the benefits, and the bliss of meditating, I would have started much sooner.
The exercises in this book are so simple and effective that you will start seeing results quickly, even if you’ve avoided formal meditation until now. Don’t wait any longer. As you read this book, take the time to try the meditation exercises that you’ll find throughout the chapters.
Welcome to an important next step on your spiritual journey.

- Simple Meditation- back cover
Table of Contents
Introduction 11
1 – The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How 15
Very Simple Meditation Exercise 16
2 – Connecting with Nature 25
Tune into Nature Meditation 33
Nature Photo Visualization Meditation 34
3 – Spiritual Connections 41
Relaxation Exercise 50
• Past Life Meditation 51
4 – We’re Connected to One Another Too 67
Connected to Others Meditation 75
Cooling-Down Visualization Meditation 81
Releasing Perfect Pictures 85
Improving Relationships Meditation 89
5 – Grounding and Neutrality 91
Grounding Meditation 97
Grounding Your Environment 98
Staying Neutral Exercise 100
6 – Running Your Energies 105
Exercise for Running Your Energies 107
Reading and Releasing Energies 109
Powerful Being of Light Visualization 111
7 – Energy Healing 115
Performing the Healing 117
Simplified Healing 118
Healing Visualizations 120
8 – Getting Answers 127
Connecting with Your Higher Self 129
Contacting Spirit Guides 131
Reading & Releasing Energy with a Rose 134
9 – Walkabout or Vision Quest 141
Inspirational Venturing Out Exercise 145
Finding Your Path Meditation 151
10 – Transform Your Life 165
Transform Your Life Meditation 169
Bibliography 175
Index 179
About the Author 185
Praise for Simple Meditation
“Curt Remington has written an inspiring book that goes far beyond the joyous benefits of meditation alone. Simple Meditation: A Spiritual Connection for Transforming Your Life will assist you in experiencing the direct divine connection that is your birthright—right here, right now—within your everyday reality. The insights offered in this beautiful and transformative book will propel you onward and upward on your path!” ~Annie Burnside, author of Soul to Soul Parenting
“Curt, your nature photography is absolutely stunning and your meditations simply wonderful. How lovely that you have combined all of this beauty with your personal journey and translated it into book form to help others. You are a gift to the world. I cannot wait for your new book to come out. Wishing you and your readers so much love, peace, joy, beauty and Spirit all around. Namaste.” ~Lori Boatman, author of Reannce and the Fifth Dimension
“Brilliant insights about blending the spiritual practices of life with heart, nature and the sciences. Provides matter of fact, simple steps to improve you health and happiness. Awesome!” ~Joy Gilfelen, president of Uniting Creatives and producer of Flipping the Joy Switch dvd
“You are an excellent writer, the best I’ve had all year. It was a great pleasure to work on your manuscript.” ~Arlene Prunkl, PenUltimate Editorial Services
“Through meditation, you can learn to think more clearly, work more efficiently and let go of stress. Whatever form your practice takes, let it be a part of your daily life. It is time well spent and the rewards are limitless.” ~Dawn Groves, author of Meditation for Busy People
“As Curt describes in this book, a vision quest trip can be a life-changing experience.” ~Darcy Ottey, executive director of Rite of Passage Journeys
Simple Meditation is now available through your local bookstore or online at a variety of sources, including Meditation Resources, and Amazon. It is also available as a Kindle eBook for Kindle, iPad, Blackberry or your computer.