
by Curt Remington

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

Healing With Energy

BasicEnergyHealing_clip_image002If you’ve read “Running Your Energies” and “Meditation & Grounding”, you’ve already learned powerful meditation techniques for healing yourself. Using a similar technique, you can help other people to move energy and release blocks, so they too can heal themselves.

Encourage Meditating

One option is to encourage that person read those articles and practice meditating themselves. I realize there may be a number of reasons this may not work. They may not want to bother. You may not know them very well, but know that they need healing. They may not be in any condition to meditate, or you may just be afraid that they’ll think you’re nuts and not listen anyway. Whatever the reason, sometimes it’s just easier to do it yourself. The technique I’m going to describe can be done with them sitting in front of you, or it can be done long distance. Energy doesn’t seem to mind the distance, and I’ve done many readings and healings for people 1800 miles away. I always first ask for permission from them or telepathically from their spiritual/higher self, which is usually much more enlightened and cooperative than their human persona. It is possible that even on a spiritual level, someone doesn’t want to be healed. They may have a karma issue or a lesson that it interferes with. If that’s the case, just leave well enough alone. Maybe you’re not that used to communicating telepathically. To do it, once you’ve meditated, imagine the person and try thinking your question, calmly listening for an answer. If you get a strong sense of “no,” find someone else to heal. The vast majority of people, at least on a spiritual level, are very appreciative of any help.

Performing the Healing

First, I would recommend grounding and running your own energies, as described in the previous articles. If the other person isn’t sitting in front of you, say “hi” telepathically. Tell them what you want to do, and ask for permission. Once you get a go-ahead, picture a mock-up of their body. Like you did for yourself, connect a grounding cord to their first chakra. From that point, you can run through the same steps for them that you followed in “Running Your Energies” or you can simply picture a big ball of healing energy (blue, gold or a color of their choice) over them. Watch it pour blobs of clean energy all over, melting away any blocks or sickness, which flushes down their grounding cord. Replacing that energy with fresh, healthy energy. Run this energy until all of their energy seems clean and healthy. Once you’re finished, you don’t have to shut the energy off. I even suggest to the healee’s higher self that they continue to keep the energy running as long as they want. You can then thank them for the opportunity to practice this. Doing this healing will get your energy flowing and be beneficial to you too. Maybe your healee with thank you at this point, or maybe they’ll just look at you strangely and head for the door. Either way, your healing with do them a great deal of good.



This technique can be very helpful, along with the medical attention someone may need. It may not cure everyone, but there are countless cases of people overcoming an illness through energy healing, willpower and faith. Just look at how great this swan feels now.


The same day I finished this article, we got great news regarding a healing recipient. My wife Mary (a very proficient and well trained energy healer) and I got a call requesting a long-distance healing. The caller’s friend was in a coma and in critical condition, with a severe staph infection, pneumonia, on a ventilator and on full-time dialysis. His prospect for survival was not great. Mary and I performed a reading and healing together, working especially hard at releasing blocks in the damaged areas of his body. Later that day, Mary got a message from the spirit world (voice in her head) that she should keep doing healings every day for a week. She performed them daily, using a similar but more advanced technique. Today, one week later, we got a call saying he just came out of the coma and had his dialysis reduced to three hours a day. His medical treatment undoubtedly had a lot to do with his recovery, as did the prayers of friends and family. We’re confident that her healings also played a large part in his recovery. This was confirmed by one of Mary’s spirit guides.

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